I am starting my blog today, November 25, 2021, the thanksgiving day here in the US.
As I learn and write, I am thinking about the topics I will be covering in this blog. First come to mind my activities and the purpose of my personal site, plants, people and hobbies.
First, I am planning to cover topics related to plants and how they affect our health and well being. I am planning to share information on plants as sources of foods, beverages, condiments (spices) and medicine. Additional topics will include gardening, specifically my experiences with herbs, spices, medicinal and ornamental plants. After all, gardening is the most important hobby in the US and the world.
Talking about people, I am also referring to those activities, such as increased physical activities while gardening, improving our health while consuming vegetables, and beautifying our environment.
For example, for years I have been composting the leaves that fall every year during autumn, instead of bagging and putting them in the curbside for our municipality to pick them up, I allow them to decay, so that after some time, to have topsoil that I can use for potting and a natural and valuable amendment for the soil. All these activities involve a great deal of physical activity during the year.
Then about hobbies and free time. Gardening is an example I already mentioned. Then, I am interested in photography, birds and ornithology, philately, electronics and computers, amateur radio, traveling and getting to know new places, books, reading, and now, writing.
Many of our hobbies are interrelated, I use photography for taking pictures of birds, plants, and places. During the pandemic, I have started to read more and collect more books. I became interested in reading about history and geography. Then the relationship with philately, collecting and studying postal stamps, to learn about geography and history of each country.
As an educator and scientist, I have been publishing research journal articles, newsletters, book reviews, edited books. Now, I am starting my career as a self-publisher. I am planning to highlight all these activities in this blog and website.
I hope you will enjoy my blog. If you do, please share it with others. I am hoping to be as consistent as possible to keep the blog and information coming.